Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Panama Laugh by Thomas S. Roche

"High above me, I heard a laughing scream and the hiss-whistle of incoming ordnance: a preadolescent projectile coming down fast, cackling, trailing streamers of goo and a long trail of ropelike intestine. It was not going to hit me but I fired and fired and fired until the slide locked open and poured smoke. It pulped on the rocks and did nothing but squirm; all its bones were thoroughly broken."

Thomas Roche (2011-09-05T04:00:00+00:00). The Panama Laugh (Kindle Locations 853-856). Night
Shade Books. Kindle Edition.

And that, my friends, is why you should never fire zombies from catapults. As cool as it sounds, it's really not terribly effective.

There's a lot Mr Upstream could say about The Panama Laugh, but right now he needs to take a nice hot shower and suck down some rum. So he'll just say that The Panama Laugh is worth your time. Unless, you know, you're one of those readers with a stick up your ass who doesn't get why the zombiepocalypse would be freaking hilarious.

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